It's funny how God works sometimes. I haven't felt too well for the majority of the weekend. JP has been his usual self...ACTIVE!!! I always enjoy being with him, but I would have LOVED to have had ONE minute to myself! I looked forward to today (Sunday) all weekend. I was going to rest. JP was going to come home from church and take his normal 2 hour nap. Well, naturally, because I had this planned out it didn't happen. In fact, he didn't sleep at all. So, all day long I have pouted and whined about how tired I am and how I don't feel well. I have been short tempered and my patience are shot!
Feel sorry for me yet?! I did....until my friend called. You know, the one who's husband is dying from Cancer. We talked for a while. She was giving me the update on him and said that they would be making the decision this week to move him to Hospice House. It's probably not going to be long now. The majority of his day is spent sleeping. He can't stand or sit up anymore and he doesn't make eye contact with anyone when he is awake. I'm not going to go into anymore details because it is very upsetting to talk about. I'm crying as I type.
There are two reasons why I am posting this. I usually talk to Megan every day. HOWEVER, it's normally in the mornings on the way to work or on my lunch break. I am convinced that God had her call me because He knew I was drowning in self-pity and I needed to STOP! Here are the two things He reminded me of today: 1) THIS EARTH IS NOT MY HOME! I am not going to be here forever! Praise God! Often times when Brian is lying in his hospital bed in the living room, he will point up to the ceiling. He KNOWS where he's heading. I've been too busy being selfish today to look up! This life is am I spending it?? 2) I've been upset all day because I am tired. Tired. Not sick, not bed-ridden, not dying. Tired. GET OVER IT!!!
Please continue to pray for Megan and the kids. I didn't say Brian, because I don't feel like he's the one who needs it. I'm almost envious of him. He's
Heaven bound. He may be sick for the moment. But that's it, just a moment. Soon, he will be better off than the rest of us.
Thanks for letting me unload my emotions on you. The moral of the post? I AM BLESSED!