I only have a minute to write. Basically, hell has taken place since my last post. We'll begin with Laurie...
She was in the ER Sunday night and in the hospital until yesterday with ANOTHER infection and MORE surgery. So, we are back at square one with the wound. Please continue to pray that her wound heals properly. (Preston is still doing wonderfully!)
On to Scott...
Since his surgery in September of '09, he has had problems with his right knee. Long story short, he woke up yesterday and could not walk. So, this morning he had surgery, thinking that he had a fracture of some kind. Turns out, they cleaned out infection, biopsied a spot and sent a culture of some pretty green fluid. The doctor put him on an antibiotic and will call me this weekend with the results. OUR PRAYER IS THAT HIS MRSA HAS NOT SETTLED IN HIS KNEE. This would not be good!
Thank you for praying for Laurie and Scott. Can you say, C.R.A.Z.Y?!!!