Wednesday, September 21, 2011

update on scott

Scott's surgery went well. The biopsies will come back in five days, but the frozen cells were negative for Cancer so we are not worried about that. The surgeon said that the mass was a reaction to his inflammatory disease (which is Crohn's). They were able to remove the majority of the mass, so we are very hopeful that this will relieve his pain. He began physical therapy today. He goes every day for one week and then two to three times a week after that. Because this is surgery #2 on the same knee, there is a lot more fluid build-up.

I have to give a shout out to our surgeon, Dr. Geary at Steadman Hawkins. He has called us from his personal cell phone FROM HOME twice now to check on Scott. To say we are impressed with the entire practice would be an understatement! Technically, because there is no structural damage to Scott's leg/knee, he does not have to treat him. He could have sent us to an auto-immune doctor MONTHS ago. He didn't because he cares!! Thank You, Lord, for doctors who still care!

For now, we sit back and keep our fingers crossed and pray that this does not happen again. We are hoping that Scott has a NICE LONG break from being sick and in pain! We love all of you and thank you for your prayers and support.....

(...and FYI, my sweet K5 boy has been "on green" for almost a month now!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Scott is having surgery this week. We will appreciate your prayer support!! THANKS!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


We had a great time in Gatlinburg. It was too short, of course, but it was nice to get away from home! The boys did well during the ride. Our resort was a HAVEN for was on a river with lots of rocks to throw and a playground.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

twas the night before the appointment

Twas the night before the appointment and all through the house
Not a soul was at peace, especially my spouse.

The lights are all out, the boys are in bed.
I sit here alone with anxious thoughts in my head.

Anxiety rises from my stomach to my chest.
With the weight of this burden it is impossible to rest!

I close my eyes and lift up a prayer.
I cannot see His plan, but I know it is there.

Lord, help me to trust You and not be afraid,
for these trials are temporary, and soon they will fade.

We go to see the tumor specialist tomorrow morning. Please say a little prayer!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I came home from work this afternoon actually EXCITED to clean the house. I didn't get to do anything around here this weekend since we were gone until late Sunday afternoon. HOWEVER, I will give a SHOUT OUT to my husband who did ALL THE LAUNDRY! Thanks, honey! :)

I did not get to clean. I wrote down JP's Open House on my calendar for tomorrow night. WRONG! It was tonight. So, we had to eat/shower and get our bedtime stuff ready BEFORE leaving for Open House at 5:30. I knew we wouldn't be home until past JP's bedtime. I have never been to an Open House before, as a parent. We ate pizza and sat through a short meeting with the PTA. I must say that I have NEVER IN MY LIFE seen children behave the way I did tonight. It was AWFUL! There were children LITERALLY running around the cafeteria and jumping on/off the stage while their families ate!!! I was so proud of my little man who sat ON HIS LITTLE BOTTOM the whole time! After the informational meeting, we went to his classroom and listened to about a twenty minute presentation from his teachers. Once again, I was SO PROUD! JP sat at his desk and did not move the entire time. His teacher must really crack a whip! And, don't get me wrong, I LOVE that!! She is great with the kids.

It was so cute walking around his classroom. He was showing me all of his work. He then took me to the Art and Music rooms. He knew exactly where to go. He even went up to his art teacher and said, "Thank you for teaching me so many things." Seriously, I was beaming!

Scott was unable to go. After speeding home from work to get ready, he ended up getting sick. So, I walked around with my phone and took pictures of all of his work for him to see.

Anyway, as you can see, I just wanted to take a minute or two to brag on my big boy! I am truly amazed.

I am a very PROUD MOMMY!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

i saw God today

There is a country song called, "I saw God today." The first verse talks about a man sitting in the hospital with his wife. She's a patient. It's early in the morning and he's very tired. He looks out the window and sees a flower blooming in the crack of the sidewalk. He smiles and thinks, "I just saw God."

I have heard this song a million times, but today as I was driving home from Gatlinburg with JP asleep in the backseat, the words meant so much to me. It was so quiet, I could really listen. I constantly find myself in the hospital waiting room or a doctor's office. I think that the next time, I am going to look for God.

Friday, September 9, 2011

gatlinburg bound

I'm turning my brain off and heading to the is good today.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I have received so many emails about Scott and I just wanted everyone to know how grateful, thankful, and appreciative I am for you!! Your prayers and support mean more than you know!

I think that mom, Laurie and I are packing up the boys and escaping to the mountains this weekend!!! I am so excited! Boy, has it been a WILD year for our family. But, boy has God done some AMAZING things!!!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend! I will come back Sunday with plenty of pictures!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

book review

I STRONGLY recommend this book. I read it this summer while at the beach. It is a very easy read and VERY powerful. I read it in ONE day!

Basically it is about a little boy who had a major surgery and went to Heaven while in the operating room. I do not want to share too much, but the book is filled with stories from his journey. If you do believe in Heaven, Christ and the presence of angels in our daily lives, this book will grab your heart.

Heaven Is For Real will challenge your walk and your life will be blessed as a result. I promise.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I am thankful for a THREE DAY weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

tug of war

Scott and I went to visit his orthopedic surgeon this afternoon. It was NOT a good appointment. We left feeling very sad and helpless. He is going to team up with a specialist to hopefully put a plan together for Scott's care. We go to see the specialist on the 14th of this month. At the very least, I believe we are looking at another surgery. The only way that will not take place is if the specialist does not think it is safe to remove the "cyst" from Scott's knee. I put quotation marks around the word cyst, because apparently now we are not sure that, that is what it is.

I know that I am being sortof vague. I want to share with you what I can, and I do use this blog as a journal. However, I do have to remember that this is the internet and nothing is protected. I have said it before. If those of you who pray for Scott would like more specific details, always feel free to email me.

I labeled this post "Tug of War" because there is a MAJOR battle going on inside my mind and my heart right now. It goes a little something like this:

FLESH: Damn it!!! (and yes, I did say Damn it) because that is how I feel! I mean, seriously, can we NOT catch even the smallest of breaks???!!!! Scott has had more surgeries (this will be number 7) in two years than most people have had during their lifetime. How much more can he take emotionally and physically?! Can we not just be normal?? I am so tired of doctor's offices/hospitals/emergency rooms/medicines and everything that goes along with it! I am tired of being financially indebted to the hospital! I am tired of being a caregiver and Scott is tired of being my patient at home. We are both tired of explaining to a five year old why daddy cannot do certain things. Scott is tired of always hurting. I am tired of seeing him hurt.

(The above list goes on and on and on....)

SPIRIT: First and foremost, this earth is NOT our home. I was never promised happiness while here. I was only promised peace and fulfilment within Christ. Life may not be easy or fair, but life isn't about us. Rather than dwelling on the negative/hurtful aspects of my circumstances, maybe I should turn my focus where it belongs and look for ways to glorify God through these trials. Nothing about Jesus' earthly life was easy. If I TRULY want to live like Him, I should stop the whining and get on my knees. I should take what I've been given and make the best out of it. All the while PRAISING God for the blessings in my life. They FAR outweigh the bad!

Okay, that is what is going on inside me right now. I am so torn. The Andrea in me wants to crawl up under a blanket, give up and cry for days. The Jesus inside of me will not allow that. I do not mean that I do not cry. HA! I certainly do! I just mean, I cannot withdraw from the world and fall to pieces. Even though I want to. I love God, and my family means more to me than anything on earth. I will do everything I can to fight this fight with Scott. I just thank those of you who are consistently praying for us. We love you. And thank you for allowing me to vent!