Friday, February 26, 2010

friday night update

I have received emails etc. asking about what's going on with Scott. Here is the bulleted version:

  • September 21st- Remove rectum/ileostomy surgery
  • Sewn up rectal wound with infection inside
  • October 21st- Back to the hospital to re-open wound so it can heal from infection
  • February 2010- Rectal wound STILL not healed. Another infection presenting itself on the outside.
  • Abscess on another part of the "tail" (for lack of a medical word) Very large infection spreading up his back
  • LAST NIGHT - Surgery to remove what infection they could.
  • Spent the night in the recovery room and moved to a room this afternoon (Friday).
  • IV antibiotics for a day or so. Infection is better.
  • Hoping (keeping our fingers crossed) that we MIGHT go home tomorrow??? Not sure though!
  • His initial wound from the September surgery not exactly where they want it to be. Unfortunately, we could be back in a month or so to "take care" of that. Whatever that might mean. I am choosing not to think about it now.

Sorry for all the TMI details! Some of you had asked. I thought that I would actually try and explain a little. Scott is doing fine. Actually, he is in good spirits for what he's been through and has been going through for FIVE LOOOOOOOOOOONG months.

Thanks to you all for your prayers and thoughts. I will update as I can.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have been thinking about you guys. I hope the antibiotics work. Thanks for the update.