Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

This is my new favorite passage in the Bible! I read a page out of my new devotional last night (thanks, Kathi!) and these were the verses that went along with it.

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now you choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life." (emphasis mine!)
Did you get that??!! Moses was talking to the Israelites as they were headed to the Promised Land. Basically God has handed us this life. We get to choose how we want to live it. If we choose to listen to Him, we will experience the blessings He has for us along the way. He's not going to force us. He loves us too much for that.
The very last sentence is what hit me hard. "For the Lord is your life!" If the Lord is REALLY my life, then my life makes sense! Not that it's always gonna be pretty. A lot of times it will hurt. I may not always experience security or satisfaction, the things the world tells you brings happiness. But if I look at the Lord as being my life, then none of it matters. I am only here for one reason! My coworker who lost her tragic as that was, our children never really belong to us anyway. They are on loan from God. I am not minimizing ANYONE'S pain, I am just saying that if we change our perspective, maybe we can at least attempt to understand and allow God to handle our pain for us.
I have been smiling since reading these verses last night. I want the Lord to be my life! I want that for everyone. I encourage you to read this passage, if not the whole chapter. It's awesome!
I hope everyone is having a great week. Things are good here. JP is spending the night with my mother in law and sister in law tomorrow night. That's a prayer request for them! Good luck, guys! I'm sure Scott and I will appreciate actually sleeping in the same bed together. Friday night, we are going to the movies w/ Terry, Shannon and my cousin Jamie and his friend, Jennifer to see FIREPROOF! I am really excited about this! I will be sure and give my review of the movie! Tomorrow is my girl, Kathi's 40th birthday, so stay tuned for a bday post tomorrow and if you know her be sure and wish her a happy day!


theowensclan said...

I am speechless. God gave me the same verse today. When I gave you the devotional, I thought we'd read it every morning together. I guess God is still blessing us by giving us the same verse to reflect on. I have been very reflective about the same thoughts you expressed. It amazes me how God works in our lives. I am thankful everyday for what He has blessed me with. It is a daily reminder of His love for me.

I love you girlfriend! And thanks for the shout out for my birthday!

Love, Kathi

starzy18 said...

Wow. What a great verse! I know I needed to read that verse tonight. Thank you for posting it.