Monday, January 26, 2009

advice/comments WANTED!

Okay, here's the deal....

JP basically DOES NOT EAT! I don't know what to do about it. There are like three things he will eat and that's all. But, realistically I cannot make those three things over and over for him. I want him to try new things. When he refuses to eat, (sometimes he even tries a bite or two to make me happy), I usually allow him to get out of his chair and later on let him have yogurt/strawberries/cheerios cereal etc. for snack. I never let him have junk food or candy if he doesn't eat a meal.

Those who know me, know that I am not a passive parent at all! I have tried the "starve him until he's hungry enough to try it" tactic. You know where it gets me? NOWHERE! He just won't eat. He drinks plenty of liquids, so I haven't been worried. I am still not really worried now, I was just wondering if any of you have been here and have any magical advice for me.


Rose said...

hey if you find out, let me know! I have the same problem with brody! We just finished dinner and he wouldn't eat a thing. So then he goes to the pantry wanting a cookie. i said No-No and then he cries. There has been many of nights he goes to bed hungry because he wont eat anything I offer! But he does love his milk...and pizza....ughhhh

Melissa said...

I have never "been there", and I know that it is alot harder put advice to practice when you are there in the moment. As an SLP my advice would be:
-Limit the juice/liquid (fills you up without the nutrients)

-I would not even offer it with the meal if it is a problem

-NO GRAZING (little meals throughout the day)

-only set meals at the table

-1 liked food and a few others on plate

-Encourage him to touch/ taste/ bite/swallow the unpreferred food.

-I am not a fan of starving or forcing food on a child.

-he needs to feel full so that he will eventually feel hungry again

All kids go through this stage. You will make it through. Take what you can from my advice. It is hard when you are the one there listening to the crying and wanting your sweet baby to eat. Hang in there. And if you figure it all out, share it with me in a few years when I am in your shoes :)

Kim said...

I have always heard that it is completely normal for them to go through that not eating stage at his age. He is just being normal! Everyone I know has said their ped tells them not to worry and they will eat when they need to. (not easy to believe, but hey..) I agree with what you are doing- offering the meal and asking him to try it. And it is okay that they go through phases where they live off of just a few foods for a few weeks at a time. I think that as long as he isn't living off of junk you are okay! You got through the sleeping issues and you will make it through this too!

theowensclan said...

Take him to see Robbin! I wished I had taken Daniel when he was JP's age.