Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am supposed to be getting ready to go out w/ my mom and my aunt. Instead I have been sitting here in front of the computer (surprise, surprise!) crying while watching a family's "gotcha" video. For those of you who may not know what a gotcha video is, it's when the adoptive family pick up their child for the 1st time to bring them home. Anyway, it reminded me of when I got JP and I have been sobbing! A good sob! There is no other feeling in the world like when someone hands you your child for the 1st time! Whether it's in a delivery room, or the Marriott in Guatemala surreal! I love you, JP! AND most of all, I love you, God for allowing me to experience this!


Melissa said...


You brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

Jennifer said...

AMEN, sista!!! Doesn't matter where your baby comes from or how they get here...