Sunday, September 14, 2008

Serving God in the Basement

JP and I went to church with my mom and dad today and the preacher delivered an awesome message. I thought I would share....

In 2 Chronicles David, after being appointed King, was calling people for a "royal appointment" to issue men their duties...(most of this is going to be in my own words.) David went down the line of men. When he came to Joash, he told him that his duty was to be in the cellar keeping watch over the olive oil. The pastor pointed out that basically this BUSTED Joash's bubble! All of David's most glorious positions had been filled and all he needed Joash to do was hang out in the cellar and "watch the oil!" You may see where I am going with this...

How do we feel when all of the "spotlight" jobs are taken? Whether it be in the church or in our secular jobs. There are only so many up front jobs available in life. How do we react when we are looked over for them? God calls us to serve. We may not ever be recognized for our service. Joash's name is not one you would have found listed in the church bulletin. Mine may not be either, but the most important thing for us to remember is that although other people may not take notice or recognize us for what we do, GOD DOES! And He is the ONLY one who counts! The "oil" that David assigned Joash to watch over, was symbolic of the Holy Spirit. The kingdom could not run without the oil. So, what seemed to be the lowliest job was actually the most important. What did all of this say to me? Basically, God has called me to serve Him. I don't care if I serve on a praise team, in the choir, on staff, or "just" in the nursery changing diapers! Service is service no matter the capacity and as long as we do it to glorify the name of God, He promises to honor it!

1 comment:

Greta Jo said...

Thanks for the message.
I truly enjoy reading your blog!