Tuesday, January 25, 2011

There are times when I feel like I have absolutely NO control at home. Do you ever feel that way?! I am so ashamed to admit that we have been in the horrible habit of eating in front of the television and letting JP watch as much t.v as he wants to. By t.v, I mean Nick Jr. and age- appropriate DVD's. I think Scott and I both have stressful, tiring jobs and all we want to do in the afternoons is be lazy and rest. Still, we are done with it. I was lying in bed the other night and God really convicted me of this.

I literally could not get my brain to shut off. I have been praying and asking God for direction in some areas as far as my career goes. Since I prayed, He has been flooding my mind with SO MUCH STUFF!! Lots of creative and fun ideas. However, I realized the other night in bed that if I do not organize my home life, I am never going to have the time to pursue these new "dreams" of mine.

So, now we have a new schedule. When we get home in the afternoons we go outside, (weather permitting), and play for a couple of hours. When it rains, like today, we will improvise. JP went with me to the grocery store and helped me cook. Normally, I would have left him home with Scott. He can play in his room or whatever until dinner. Dinner will be AT THE TABLE, with the exception of maybe Friday night. We decided that we would set up t.v trays together on the couch and watch a movie while we eat. It would be more like a treat that way. After dinner, we will give him a bath and he can watch a DVD or t.v in my bed while he winds down for bed. I am hoping this will work! We'll see. I will keep you updated....

As you know, we just recently got the Internet back in our home. I have spent so much time cleaning off our laptop. It was so full of JUNK that it would literally overheat and shut down almost immediately after turning it on. I deleted over 4,000 pictures and documents that I had already saved onto a thumb-drive. The computer works so much faster and it rarely overheats. (It is a really old laptop.)

When I was lying in bed dreaming up this new routine for JP, it hit me how our lives are a little like my laptop. Our days are cluttered and often times we leave little room for what God wants to do in our lives. How much more productive could we be if we re-structured and "re-booted" a little bit? The "clean up" process might take some time, but it might just prevent us from overheating and shutting down!


Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you're giving your life a 'defrag' and 'reboot'.

You're never going to get the balance absolutely right so don't seek perfection. Just stay open to Jesus putting his finger on areas of life that need attention.

theowensclan said...

I SOOOOO miss reading your updates. I LOVE the analogy of your hard-drive being full of "junk". That is such a perfect, "mental picture" of my life as well. And a wonderful perspective of how to "get rid" of things in our lives that are "out dated".

Thank you for the Heads Up about Charter. I too don't want to be tempted by something that "looks" good. I still remember all of the trouble you had with them before. Our AT&T U-Verse it SO expensive. We've contemplated trying something else.

Wow!!! So this is how our governor is going to start her career? I'm lost for words.

I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about what God teaches you everyday!

Love you!