Wednesday, August 10, 2011

new day, new perspective

I don't mind telling you, I have been an emotional WRECK this week. I have wondered to myself, "What in the world is going on?" If I sit and think about it though. A lot is going on. Here are a few stressors that I listed in my journal last night:

  • Scott is not doing well physically

  • I am going back to work

  • JP is beginning kindergarten

  • JP is going to a new daycare this week (never been in daycare before)

I think that my emotions in this season of my life are stronger than when we adopted JP! Seriously. I mean, I remember all too well what that felt like on some days, but this may be worse. Last night I had, had enough. You can only cry so much. So, I sat and wrote out my feelings in my journal. Man, I forgot how freeing that can be! It was almost like a light switch...just by putting my feelings on paper, I felt lighter. I thanked God over and over again. I felt at peace for the first time in a while. Now, I just have to leave my burdens at His feet. I am a champ at giving them up and then taking them right back.

I am always telling my sister to not borrow trouble from tomorrow or next week. I tell her to take things ONE DAY AT A TIME! I need to take my own advice!!

I sat down this morning to have my quiet time. I read the first chapter of John and re-read some old sermon notes I had in my Bible. There is one that JUMPED off the page at me.

"If God brought you to it, He will lead you through it!"

I love that!! I needed to hear that! Anxiety and pain are human emotions. Normal. I am not going to beat myself up over having them. I just do not want to waste them! God has allowed me to be in my circumstances for a reason. I pray that God will help me to be open to what He wants me to learn through my trials. I don't want to miss it because I'm crying!

Well, I'm off to take JP to daycare. He seems excited this morning, which helps! I hope everyone has a great day!!!

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