Sunday, July 27, 2008

Too cute!

This was too cute NOT to post...... For those of you that do not know, Scott and I are part of a church plant. We began meeting in a local high school auditorium today. When we arrived and walked through the door, JP started jumping up and down screaming. He was so excited. I didn't quite understand. Finally he started saying, " Mommy, Daddy, Doodlebops coming!! Come on, Doodlebops!!" Back in the spring, we took JP and Kenzie to see the Doodlebops at the BiLo Center. When he saw the stadium seats, he was convinced we were there to see the Doodlebops in concert....Needless to say, he was pretty bummed when he realized that we were only there for church! Ha!


Melissa said...

What an awesome memory he has. He amazes me.

Jennifer said...

So, so cute!!! How do they remember stuff like that?