Thursday, November 13, 2008

Randomness and Prayer Requests

On the Beam-front: We are just hangin' out. Not too much to report. This week has gone by very fast for us. I am sooo glad that tomorrow is Friday. We are going out with our extended fam (Terry/Shannon & Co. ) tomorrow night. Saturday the Gamecocks will play Florida, so I'll give you three whole guesses as to where Scott will be planted! Sunday has become my most favorite day. We go to church, come home for dinner and JP, mommy and daddy ALL sleep for about three hours! I'm glad JP came to this country with an understanding of the SABBATH! hehehe :)

Prayer Requests: 1) Allen Meadows - family friend of Kathi and Dave (my friends) Allen has been in the hospital for a week and will remain there for at least two more. Short version: Broke arm/had plates put in/caught weird infection/kidneys shutting down/high blood pressure etc. He's being followed by infectious disease...Pray for healing and strength for parents, Mitch and Vanessa!

2) Bob Dobbins- long time friend of my family...Bob has cancer, but was just given a good prognosis from Oncologist after a surgery. Pray, again, for healing and for his family.

3) Scott - conducting some interviews after some much needed changes in his staff at work. Pray for good/dependable workers. Pray that these possible staff members will provide a better work environment for Scott and the rest of the crew.

4) Me - I just recently signed up for some online classes thru a University in Florida. I won't go into the details, but I am working towards another degree in a TOTALLY different area. Also, a few years ago, I began writing a children's book....I feel God leading me to finish it up. I am looking for an illustrator and have some good leads. I just need your prayers in juggling everything and STILL keeping up w/ my NUMBER ONE job as wife/mother!

Thanks...everyone have an AWESOME weekend!


theowensclan said...

Thank you for the post and praying for you all!

Angela said...

I will be praying for all of the above....btw..did u hear the good news about Jen C?....we need to pray for her too. My sister is an excellent artist..if the other doesnt pan out, let me know. I am so excited that you are finishing your book. Luv ya