Sunday, June 28, 2009

sunday morning

You know church is going to be good when you really don't feel like going. You know the feeling. The alarm goes off and you begin to list in your head all the reasons why it's okay to stay in bed. God wants you to get your rest, right? Despite our pathetic attempt at arguing, the Holy Spirit would not let us stay in bed. I literally peeled myself out from under the covers and reluctantly made my way to the shower. There is nothing worse than water in your face when you are still half asleep. I was cold even though the water was hot. Can you hear the bitterness in my words?! I seriously was no where close to wanting to wake up!

Again, this is when you KNOW God's gonna ROCK, because satan was trying his best to keep us home this morning. He didn't win.

From the moment we walked through the doors of the church it was good. JP loves going and practically runs to his room. By the way, when we showed back up to retrieve him, he kicked/screamed and threw an all out two-year-old tantrum because he wanted to stay! How awesome is that??!! Everything from the music, to the sermon was awesome. The preacher said one thing that I really felt I needed to share. He was talking about how God is always with us. ALWAYS. Even when we don't feel Him.

It almost seems impossible to feel God when the pain is so intense. For example:

  • You are diagnosed with cancer.
  • Your spouse gives up on you and leaves. Now it's just you and your children.
  • Maybe you've lost a child. Or two.
  • A parent dies.
  • You lose your spouse.

In all of these circumstances God is STILL with us. How are we suppose to understand this? This is where faith jumps in. Unfortunately we are not always called to understand. We are called to believe. God uses our unbelievably painful circumstances to ultimately bring glory to His name. We are such a small part of a VERY BIG picture! The pastor went on to remind us of how God has already told us the ending to the story. WE WIN!! Period! We win! If we are children of His, we get to spend eternity with Him! We win! Sure, here on earth, God may use our hurt to fashion and shape us. But, in the end, we are winners! I don't know about you, but that makes my problems seem so small!

The Friday Jesus was crucified, to look around, it seemed like everything was falling apart. But that's not true. Even in the midst of what appeared to be horrifying circumstances for Jesus, God was there and had everything under control. Sunday, God proved that by raising Him from the dead. This illustration brings me to my favorite comment of the whole day. Where are you in your life? It may feel like Friday, but Sunday's coming!! (How cool is that?!)

I don't know who reads this blog. Maybe I'm even talking to myself. That's okay to. I need to hear this stuff!! Please know that God is always with you. Even as I write those words, it sounds so cliche. Especially to those who are hurting right now. However, it is true. Even if you don't want to believe it. Ask God to show you His face. To reach out and touch you. He will. I can't explain how, but I can tell you from personal experience that He will.

"...and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

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