Monday, August 24, 2009

writer's block

I am having a MAJOR case of writer's block. I have several blog ideas in my head, but I cannot seem to gather my thoughts right now. So, please hang in there with me. For now, I will just list a few thoughts that are going through my mind:

  • Our friends who live in Guatemala are here for a few months. We are hoping to see them soon.
  • My classroom is VERY, VERY difficult this year, if you want to add that to your prayer list!
  • After much prayer, consideration, interviews and research, Scott has made the decision to go ahead with a much dreaded surgery that will hopefully help with some of the problems he's had over the years. I won't go into detail on the public blog. Those of you who know us well, know what I am referring to. He is talking with his doctor tomorrow. We hope to be able to do this sometime during the month of October---another prayer request! ;)
  • Church was awesome Sunday. We are doing a series called, "5 Lies of the Devil!" Good stuff!
  • I am so sleepy right now, my head hurts.
  • And yet, I am still on the computer. (I don't struggle with idolatry!)
  • Going to an open house at JP's new pre-school Thursday night. I look forward to meeting his teacher...he begins school next Monday. Tear :(

Well, that's all I can come up with for now. I hope everyone reading this has had a blessed day. Stay tuned.....

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