Tuesday, June 4, 2013

a bulleted version of absolutely nothing

I literally have nothing to write about.  I am only posting because it's been a few days and I know you are probably tired of looking at my list of summer favorites.  So, in light of my empty mind tonight, you get to read a bulleted list of whatever pops into my head. 

Interesting, I know.  I'm already snoring.

  • I took JP to see the animated movie, "Epic" yesterday.  It was pretty cute.  I wouldn't tell you to pay the price of a ticket to see it, but if it just happens to come on the television I wouldn't necessarily turn the channel either.  Out of five stars, I would probably give it two and a half.
  • My last day of work is this Thursday.  Forever.  I am having a little anxiety over that, as I have shared with you before.  Very bittersweet. Having said that, I am excited about my summer.
  • JP lost his first top tooth.  The Tooth Fairy brought him TEN DOLLARS.  And we'll just say, he didn't lose it at my house.  LOL.  My spoiled baby boy.
  • I have gotten into the habit of falling asleep with my headphones on,  and John Mayer radio playing on Pandora.  Relaxing. 
  • One of my new favorite songs is "Details in the Fabric"  by Jason Mraz.  It came on Pandora one day while I was in my car.  The lyrics caught me off guard and I began to cry.  Big shocker, I know!  The words and music were so beautiful and really mirrored my emotions at the time.  YouTube it, if you are a Mraz fan.  And be patient with the beginning of the song...it's a little annoying.  But once he starts singing it's a great song.
  • I'm really going to miss my coworkers.
  • I am not looking forward to going to college again. 
  • I drank a Diet Lemonade from Chick Fil A for dinner tonight.  I like the frozen lemonade from Burger King better.
  • We do not have major plans this weekend.  Keep checking for pictures though.  You'll be ready to see pictures by then after reading this rambling MESS.
  • My mom has not been feeling well lately.  Please keep her in your prayers.
  • My second mom, Christi's, father in law is not doing so well.  He is the one who is battling cancer.  Pray for their family as well.  Cancer STINKS!
  • Speaking of cancer, yesterday was my brother's birthday.  June 3rd.  It's funny because it has been such a LONG TIME ago, but my family always seems to subconsciously know when that day rolls around.  I praise God that he is so much better off where he is!  Sometimes I cannot wait to get there.
Okay while I was typing my laptop shut off.  I have a short in my charger chord.  So, I am going to put all of you out of your misery and end this post.  I told you it was going to be a LONG thread of NOTHINGNESS.

Hopefully I will be inspired tomorrow to write something (anything) worthwhile.

Until then...

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