Friday, August 17, 2007

Caught Some ZZZZ's

Last night was GREAT! JP went to bed around 10:00 and slept until 4:00. I gave him a bottle and he woke up at 8:30 this morning!! WOOHOO!

I appreciate every one's comments and advice---keep it coming!

About the food----JP was only given formula and rice cereal while he was in the orphanage. Needless to say we are having to treat him more like an infant with his food. We started him on Stage 1 baby food when we got him home. He's done great with that. The past few days, we have tried some blended up table food and snack-like foods. After I thought about it and talked with his doctor, we decided that this could be SOME of his sleeping problems. I now do not think that his little digestive system is ready for table foods. We are backing off for a while and may move to Stage 2 baby food. I still give him Cheerios and stuff like that. Although he's 12 months, his tummy is more like a 3 or 4 month old.

We'll see if this works!


theowensclan said...

Yeahhh!!!! It's hard to function without sleep. How's Scott sleeping?

Whitney said...

Will have to remember this...Ellie basically only took a bottle while we were there and she is 13 months! Very interesting! Glad you are finding out what works!

Nan and Dan said...

Victoria is on stage 2 still, did not like stage 1 much. she loves puffs and cheerios. She is finally eating some oatmeal and rice cereals with the yobaby yoghurt.
I noticed a big change with her sleeping once she started eating better.
I was also giving her a bottle in the night, but once she started eating better and only drank about 2 ozs at night I stopped the nighttime bottle and she slept through the night.