Thursday, August 23, 2007

God Must Love Watching Me Sleep

I know this because I could watch JP sleep for hours. And God loves me MORE than I love JP! That's a lot of love! JP is having so much fun in his classroom at school. When he gets home, he is worn slap out! After I got home today, I sat in his room and rocked him to sleep. For the longest time I just stared at him. I could have put him in his crib, but I longed to look at him. As pretty as I think his eyes are, when he's sleeping his eye lashes are beautiful. They are very long and they lay down on the top of his cheeks. His little lip pokes out! Yes, you heard me....his LIP! Not his tongue! He is beautiful. Every time I rock him I pray over him and thank God for allowing me to have him. I am truly blessed!

I am beginning to think that being a parent is going to grow me spiritually. Let me explain....

I love JP SO MUCH! When I drop him off in his classroom each morning, a knot forms in my throat---I could cry every day. I hate being away from him. I know he's happy, safe, and well taken care of, but I WANT TO TAKE CARE OF HIM!!! I want to watch him laugh, smile, nap and eat. I don't want to miss out on anything! It hit me this afternoon that, that is how God feels about me.....only much, much more! I go 4 or 5 hours without holding JP or hearing his little voice. God goes sometimes DAYS without holding me, or hearing my voice! That must brake His heart. I don't mean to hurt Him, I just get "busy." Sounds valid, right?! I don't think so. I am His child---it's not fair to rob Him of that fellowship. I need to make it a priority to involve Him in EVERY SINGLE aspect of my life!

As much as I love JP, my small mind cannot begin to comprehend how much more God loves His children.

That's what was on my mind this afternoon. Just something to think about.


Melissa said...

He is doing very well Andrea. It is amazing to see how well he is adjusting. He seems so secure with himself and his little life. He KNOWS how loved he is. When I walk in the room he just smiles and babbles then continues to play. He is so social with everyone. I think he gets that from you. You are doing a great job! Take care- Melissa

LouLou said...

What a precious post, and it really puts things into perspective. I know that I need to make God my daily priority. These children are all such blessings. Sometimes I can't believe that they actually let me bring my angel home!

Katie said...

Wow -thanks for sharing --- that is all so true !!

Natalie said...

That you so much for that sweet message. I need that reminder every once in a while!

How are you? I've been thinking of you guys a lot lately.