Monday, February 19, 2007

Some Work On President's Day!

Today began like all the others. Breakfast, bath and to the laptop to check my emails!
These are important. I better save them on a disk.

I'll color with you, Cott, but only for a minute or two.

I'm an important girl making important phone calls!

When I'm done with this pile of paperwork, we'll do lunch!

Who wouldn't be tired?!


Andrea said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love that sassy red hair! This made me smile, smile, smile!

Kim said...

Ok - now I'M tired!!! What a busy day. :)

Rebecca said...

Andrea, She is SO beautiful!!! What a little doll!!!! How are things? Send me a message when you get a "free" minute. ;-))
