Thursday, February 8, 2007


We were kicked out of PGN today. I do not understand all of the reasons, but from what our case worker emailed me, it was for pretty senseless reasons. I am not able to write about it now. I will update more at a later time. We thank you for your continued prayers.

Andrea and Scott


Veronica & Todd's Journey said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about the kickout. I too feel a kickout coming this week, everyone says think positive, but I feel that if I expect a kickout, maybe it won't hurt so bad. I'll let you know how that works out.
I will continue to pray for you. Has your case already been re-submitted to PGN?

Candace Davis said...

I am sorry to hear about the kickout. I hope your case has already been re-submitted. I will keep you, Scott and JP in my prayers.

Kim said...

Oh Andrea - I'm so sorry!! That just sucks. Take some time to grieve this, and then get back in the fight.

Anne said...

Hi Andrea! I think about you and JP everyday, and wonder how much longer until he's home with you, and wonder some more how you must feel knowing he's out there but you can't have him just yet. I always want to ask, but am afraid of upsetting you. Thanks for sharing your blog with me so that I can keep up with your progress and setbacks.

I didn't know what PGN was so I had to look it up online. I found this article. It's specifically about Guatemala. I'm sure you've seen it already, but just in case you haven't here it. Apparently this couple has been in and out of PGN several times:

Hang in there, Andrea! We're pulling for you!

Anne, Archie, Kit and Jack

Rebecca said...


I got your message. I'm SO very sorry to hear about the kickout that you got. I know how painful it is. I wish I could tell you something magical to make it all better...the best that I can come up with is to PRAY alot. I will also be praying for you. It's just a sick feeling....and people who aren't adopting don't understand. I've been so depressed the last two days that I can't even stand talking with anyone unless they are other adoptive parents. It's even hard for me to talk to my parents. Email me on my other email address when you get this Maybe we can get on the phone and chat a little later. hang in there girl!!! Rebecca

Shana said...


Oh, your baby boy IS so beautiful!

I am so sorry about the PGN k/o... we are still waiting to go into PGN (even though our agency thinks we are in)...

Praying for you,

Andrea said...

Thanks to everyone! I covet your prayers. I am thankful not to have to go through this journey/trials alone. It's nice to have adoptive families to share it with!