Tuesday, January 22, 2008

3 Posts in 1

At church this Sunday, we heard a sermon on finances. It was AWESOME, but very convicting for me. Basically it's everything I've always heard, just in a new light. Bottom line: God is the owner of everything. We are only His managers. How do we manage His money? I won't go there! So, Scott and I are beginning a new series by this particular speaker to eliminate our debt over the next several years. Also, we tithe. We give God 10%. However, the other 90% belongs to God too. It's not mine to blow! OUCH! I'll keep you posted as to how things are going with this! So far.....I came home today and the kitchen was a mess from yesterday. It was 5:00, so despite the packed out pantry (from the 100 dollar grocery trip) we ordered Chinese food. How's that for commitment and stewardship! (I'll be apologizing to God later for that.)
Along with our finances, my body doesn't belong to me either. How do I honor God with my health? I used to do well. Since we began the adoption process over a year ago, not so good. I completely lost my focus. My health went down the drain. I gained a ton of weight and stopped running/exercising. God also convicted me about my health Sunday. You can pray for me in this area. I'm usually so busy caring for JP, it's easy for me to neglect my own health. But, I am going to try!
Noses and Noodles
I mentioned in the 1st mini-post that we ordered Chinese food tonight. Well, this is the 2nd time in two weeks that we've eaten this for dinner. I love the lo mien noodles. BOTH times I have eaten them, about half way through my meal, my nose begins to burn. I go to the bathroom and blow my nose. A noodle comes out! Yeah, yeah....I know it's gross, but it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I had to share. I mean, I have no idea how I get noodles in my nose.
Maybe this has happened to you before?! Oh well! I hope no one stops reading my blog because of this!


Janet03 said...

Yeah, it's gross, but that won't keep me from my daily JP blog reading. Only you could blow noodles out your nose! You are so funny!

starzy18 said...

Noodles out of your nose is gross, but I still love you! I will pray for you and Scott with your finances and for you with you weight. If you ever want to go walking give me a call.

Melissa said...

Part one of my comment:
As a speech pathologist, I think you need a swallow study. The noodles are small and one was just stuck to the back of your throat. When you blew air up from your lungs the noodle came with it right through your nose. Just my expert opinion : ).

Melissa said...

Part two of my comment:
I have to agree with the finance thing. Mark and I are always talking about better ways to get the money thing down. We eat out way too much. The realization I came to was that people (not saying you) often use money to buy objects to fill their life thinking it will make them happy. For that reason people have to look at why they are spending. It is even harder when a child is involved. Good Luck.

theowensclan said...

You go girl!! Soooo, does this mean no burrito humpday!?!

P.S. What other talented things can you do with your nose? Hmmmmm?

Jennifer said...

Does this mean no more Sonic sweet tea??? :)

Seriously...a noodle came out of your nose???

Shelly said...


Our pastor recently preached on money and I was convicted when he said we should pay God first. We pay our bills then write out our 10% tithe check (usually Sunday morning). We should write our tithe check first. This made me think.

I enjoy seeing pictures of JP. I wish we lived closer, so our boys could play together.


Mom&Dad to A & J said...

Noodles out your nose!?!?!
Funny that you mention money tonight. We Fed Exed an extra check to our friends in Kansas today - essentially it came down to pay the money or don't get your son. It has really made me re-evaluate how I view money.
Sorry - didn't mean to hijack your noodle blog post.
I agree with Shelly - I wish we lived closer - but no Lo Mein noodles.

Ashley said...

Alright, Andrea. I must say as one of your OLDEST and DEAREST friends...I am a little worried about the "noodle-nose" thing. Jason wanted me to tell you that there was this boy at his middle school that could somehow get the noodle to come out of his nose and out of his mouth at the same time. Then he would perform this "flossing"-type motion moving the noodle back and forth. All of the middle-schoolers would stand around gasping in awe of his talent. SO...I figure...If you could just polish up this raw talent you have discovered, we might could take this show on the road. JP would be so proud of his mommy.

Andrea said...


Tell JASON....thanks for the encouragement!! Ya know, when you are totally and completely sleep-deprived, ANYTHING would be entertaining...maybe I'll consider it!