Wednesday, January 25, 2012

sleep deprived

I am seriously lacking in the sleep department! It's no one's fault but my own. I have been staying up WAY past my bedtime to write. I am quickly wearing down. Right now, I'm sure you're thinking, " boo hoo! Go to bed earlier, idiot!" While that certainly would be a quick fix, it is much easier said than done! Trust me!
I get up early, get myself AND JP ready for school. We come home, do homework, make dinner, take baths and then it's time for bed. I am choosing to change my career at this stage in my life. I do not want JP to suffer because of it. Meaning, I am NOT going to use my afternoon time with him to write. He does not understand what I doing. To him, it would just be mommy fixated on her laptop all day. I REFUSE to be THAT mom! Therefore, Andrea loses MUCH sleep!! My prayer is that the reward will be great!
The class we are taking has FAR exceeded what little expectations I had. It is more than wonderful! Last night, we had a critique group. We shared the outline of our book and sat while the other students AND the professor gave their opinions and feedback. It was very insightful and a lot of fun - definitely a humbling experience. You find out that you really do not know as much as you think you do! Everyone seemed to really like our story. The professor, ( I keep calling him a professor...he's an author/illustrator), loved it and gave us some really great ideas. Mom and I came home and changed a lot of what we had written. I will keep you updated.
Nothing too exciting is taking place around here. As always, we're working/going to school and then home and bed. Pretty repetitious.
I hope everyone has a FABULOUS Thursday!!

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