Monday, December 24, 2012

highlights from christmas eve

I'll go ahead and warn you... I am literally about to fall asleep.  So, I will post only a FEW of the pictures from today.  The others will come later.  I have tons!!  I hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas so far.  Ours has been great.  A little bittersweet for me, but I cannot complain.  We ate lunch at my aunt Rose's house with my mom's side of the family.  Tonight JP went to spend the night with Scott at his other grandmother's house.  Mom, dad, Laurie and I went to eat dessert and have coffee with my dad's side of the family.  It was nice.

 BJay got a puppy for Christmas.  They named him Trouble!  He was super cute...JP and Preston loved him!
 Our spread...
 Steak and Shrimp is always yummy!

Alrighy, folks!  I'm heading to bed.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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