Friday, June 1, 2007


They WERE scared of me!!!! My agency called and we came out of PGN this morning!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!

I'll admit, at first I didn't know what to think---is this real?? OR will they call me in a couple of days and tell me it's not true? They checked and re-checked before they called me this time! Ha! WHAT'S NEXT??

Well, it's up in the air right now, but I am praying about leaving for Guatemala in a couple of weeks. Our appointment will probably not be for 4 weeks, BUT this Guatemama is not prepared to wait that long! I am trusting God to work out the details (and finances for me!) Scott will then fly down a couple of days before our Embassy appointment.

I will keep everyone posted as I know more. For now, I am just praising God for allowing this to be over! I want to thank y'all for all of your love, prayers and support! I am so thankful for my family, friends and the friends that I have made through this journey. I will continue to blog--I'll just have to change the header! It turned out to be a lucky Friday after all! THANK YOU, GOD!

Lou, here I come!


Jennifer said...

OH MY GOSH....Congratulations!! I've been checking all afternoon waiting to hear the news and this is the best news EVER!!! What a wonderful weekend you're going to have! :)

Jennifer Clardy

Karen D. said...

Congratulations!!!!! You are giving me hope! I am sooo excited for you guys! I can't wait to see pictures of your family together! What a way to start the weekend!!!!


theowensclan said...

Yeah!! I can't wait to meet J.P. I am shaking with excitement at the thought of you and Scott being with him.

starzy18 said...

I am so excited! Very soon your sweet boy will be in your arms! Words can't describe the feelings I am having right now!
Love, Rachael

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those pictures!! It's an awesome picture of what you're probably feeling right now! I'm so happy for y'all. God IS good, and I just can't wait for you & Lou to GO GET THOSE BABIES and bring them home!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! We rejoice with you!!!

Melissa said...

Andrea I can not believe this. It really happened. I am so excited. Enjoy your weekend. Big hug from me. Melissa and DC.

Bekah said...

AHHHHHHHH!!! Praise the Lord! I am so so so so happy for you that it is TRUE this time!

Aim said...

WOW!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys. What a journey for you. You give all of the rest of us guatemamma's waiting a glimmer of hope. I hope the weeks fly by for you. I cannnot imagine what you are feeling right now. Thank you Lord!

DeAnna said...

Congratulations!!! That is so awesome. Praise the Lord! I guess you had to take a day off to light some fire under them. I know you must be on cloud nine thinking about being there soon and bringing him HOME!

Lori said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Way to scare em'!!

Mrs. Hany said...

I am one of your lurkers (I read Jami and Hudson and started reading yours through Lou and AP). I have been praying for you and am overjoyed to know that you are out! We will keep you in our prayers!

jajbs said...

Congratulations! Can't wait until you have pics of him in your arms!


Whitney said...

That is AWESOME! As I would love to meet little JP, I did not want him there when I go in July, but home with his mama(and papa)! God is good! Sounds like a perfect end to a great day off!

Andrea said...

WAAAHOOOOOO!!! God is SO good. He knew you needed to be off today so you could get the great news!! I am SO happy for you.

Stacie said...

WOW!! I am so happy for you guys!! Way to put the fear in them!! They felt it all the way down in Guatemala!! I'll continue to pray for you daily, as this is evidence that God never leaves us!


JulieMom101 said...

You go girl! We love you guys and can't wait to get the little guys here.
Julie & Charlie

Stacie said...

Ahhhhhh! Jerry just told me the news! JP IS OUT! Praise you Father!! We are celebrating with you guys! Can't wait to see what he has in store next. We will be praying that God will provide a way for you to be with little JP very soon!

Have GREAT weekend!

Kerri said...

I can't believe it finally happened! I am sooooo excited for you!!! I wish I had your number in my phone!!! Sweet JP - Momma's coming. Can't wait to see you Monday!

Rose said...

Andrea!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I slept in today and and just got on the blogisphere and saw this !! Amen!! i was praying for you this mornng and didn't even know my prayers were being answered!!! Praise God!! I just don't even know what to say except Congratulations!!!! Rose

Anonymous said...

Hi. I found your blog online and for the longest time thought you looked so familiar. My husband and I think we met you in Dec. on our way to Guatemala for a visit trip. Did you leave on Dec. 20 from Atlanta? I think we talked to you in the airport. Anyway, when you posted your out I just had to post a comment. We received our out yesterday also!!!! God is beyond GREAT! Congratulations! We live in Westminster...about 10 min. from Clemson, so we are pretty close to ya'll. I hope we can be in touch!

Jami said...

I just screamed out...YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! Praise the Lord!!

Natalie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now go have a fabulous weekend!

JuJu - said...

Yeah Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jp is FREE!!!!!!!!I am so happy for you - I told you it gets worse right before it gets better:)I am celebrating with you here in NC!!!
I am sooo thankful this burden is off of you:)

Jodie said...

Congratulations!!! That is so wonderful!!

David & Lynn said...

I am so glad the wait is over for you and Scott.
Bring that sweet little baby boy home where he belongs.
Love you.

Anne said...

Yippee! Hooray! We are so happy for you!

Can't wait to see your smiling face tomorrow at school!

Anne, Archie, Kit and Jack

Rose said...

Hey ...Whats going on over there???!!!! i want to see some celebratory photos!!! LOL!!!

Rebecca said...

YEAH!!!! I am SO happy to hear that you are finally OUT!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that you get PINK very quickly. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and based on this I'm sure you did!!! ;-))))

Hugs, Rebecca and Zachary

Shana said...

Andrea- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so relieved and happy for you!

When are you coming? Maybe JP and Ollie can have a play date!!!

Shana :)